This guide is to give players advices on how to beat it and possibly keep their sanity. Since the game mode is now available on both versions on the game, this is probably the best time to do this, and believe me, after giving a few tries you might want to read what I am about to tell you, even the veterans have a hard time here.
SBR is a particular mode in Dokkan Battle that consists of various stages, two for each type (PHY, STR, INT, AGL and TEQ), one for Extreme and the other for Super type units. This means that on each of these stages you will only be able to use certain units, the ones that will fit the type, and you will have to face enemies of the opposite type, meaning that if you were to bring your Super AGL team you would be facing Extreme STR units.
Extreme TEQ is one of the most difficult types to take on Super Battle Road with, it’s undeniable. If you don’t have [Merciless Condemnation] Goku Black (SS Rose) & Zamasu it’s not impossible to beat this mode, but it’s certainly going to be a lot more difficult. I am going to list and briefly analyse every unit you should consider bringing from the Leader to some SRs that might come in handy and then show an example of a team and the rotations.
Unit | Explanation |
![]() [Merciless Condemnation] Goku Black (SS Rose) & Zamasu | Goku Black (Super Saiyan Rosé) & Zamasu is a very powerful unit that can raise its already high natural DEF upon Super Attack, deal a lot of damage and recover 15% of your HP every turn; it's easy to say that this is the best unit to take on this mode with for Extreme TEQ and it would actually be a good idea to bring two, one on your own team and one as the Friend Leader. |
![]() [Distorted Justice] Goku Black & Zamasu | Goku Black & Zamasu is a good linking partner for Goku Black (Super Saiyan Rosé) & Zamasu and, just like the LR version of the unit, can raise his DEF upon Super Attack and heal you at the start of turn by 10% of your max HP; these two together will recover 1/4 of your HP when they show up and will also deal a lot of damage as they will activate mostly all of their ATK links for each other. |
![]() [Mythic Evolution] SS3 Broly | SS3 Broly is the Leader of the team and a very strong unit, his main problem is that he is quite problematic to place on rotation because of his DEF lowering mechanic. SS3 Broly does NOT need a lot of orbs to deal damage, he already gets a 100% ATK boost at the start of the turn from his Passive, if you want to him to nuke a particular target, do it only when you can place him in a safe position. |
![]() [Obsession with Perfection] Cell (2nd Form) | Cell (2nd Form) is the best support unit for Extreme TEQ, he gives his allies 3 Ki and 40% ATK and DEF; his Super Attack has no particularly relevant effect unfortunately. |
![]() [Fire of Vengeance] Golden Frieza | Golden Frieza is the best tank in the element, his Passive will reduce damage received by 70% as long as your HP are above 50% at the start of the turn. You should keep this unit on rotation regardless of the fact that he doesn't share many links with the others on the team. |
![]() [Absolute Suppression] Turles | Turles has a 50% chance to stun the enemy, he has "Prepared for Battle" to link with the Leader of the team and Goku Black (Super Saiyan Rosé) & Zamasu and he is self-sufficient in terms of Ki. Turles is not going to deal a lot of damage due to his lower multiplier, but he can potentially take hits better than other units on the team thanks to the DEF boost he gets from his Passive. |
![]() [Surpassing All] Perfect Cell | Perfect Cell is a nuker that can raise his DEF, he can tank quite well with enough orbs and deal a respectable amount of damage with enough investment in the potential system. Unfortunately having possibly two orbs-hungry Goku Black (Super Saiyan Rosé) & Zamasu on your team will usually mean that Perfect Cell will not get enough to shine properly and his links are pretty bad, but as a floater he is not a bad choice. |
![]() [Destruction Descending] Buu (Super) | Buu (Super) is a pretty good unit for Super Battle Road, he has a rare chance to stun the enemy upon Super Attack and he recovers 30% of the damage dealt as health. Buu (Super) does have "Fear and Faith" for Goku Black (Super Saiyan Rosé) & Zamasu, but he lacks "Big Bad Bosses". |
![]() [Cruel Restraint] Guldo | Guldo is very interesting and can be a good option as a floater on your team; he doesn’t link particularly well with anyone on the team, but the fact that he doesn’t require a full Ki meter to launch his Super Attack makes him more viable. Guldo’s main purpose on this team is to stun and lower the enemy’s ATK: his chance to stun is of 30% and it’s bound to his Super Attack, whereas his ATK lowering mechanic comes from his Passive, it activates when he attacks the enemy and it lasts for 2 turns. If Guldo, being a unit easy to max out, launches an Additional Attack, he will stack the debuff and have a higher chance to stun. |
![]() [Perfected Evil] Janembu | Janembu lowers the attacked enemy's ATK by 30%, that's his main purpose on the team; he doesn't require a Super Attack for his Passive to have an effect so his bad links are not going to hurt you as much. |
![]() [Fearful World Domination] Demon King Piccolo | Demon King Piccolo is a very good support unit that gives 3 Ki and 25% to his allies and that can also stun with his Super Attack; his links are not that good, but he can be quite good as a floater. |
![]() [Farewell, Proud Warrior] Majin Vegeta | Majin Vegeta offers an AoE attack that, despite not dealing much damage, can potentially stun all enemies; he is a very outdated unit, but if you have in your box and you lack options, he can be quite helpful. |
![]() [Heinous Attack] Coora (Final Form) | Coora (Final Form) has a rare chance to stun upon Super Attack and he shares some good links with Golden Frieza, but that's where his contribution to the team stops; he is not that good of a unit, but you can consider bringing him as a floater if you lack options. |
![]() [Dark Intentions] Masked Saiyan | Masked Saiyan can potentially be very valuable with his ATK lowering mechanic upon Super Attack and the 20000 DEF boost he receives, but his Passive has a restriction that greatly limits him in this mode: Masked Saiyan will get no boost at all if you are facing more than two enemies, which is quite often what is going to happen. You can still consider him as his Passive will activate by taking down some of the enemies. |
![]() Lying in Wait King Cold (Angel) | This particular unit is a Global exclusive and can lower the attacked enemy's ATK by 25% with his Passive. The links are pretty bad, he will not do much for the consistency of the team, but as a floater he can be a good option. |
![]() Vengeful Spirit Dr. Lychee | Dr. Lychee is a unit obtainable in-game that lowers the all enemies' ATK by 8%, you can use him as a floater if you lack options. |
Extreme STR has a lot of defensive capabilities as an element, which is weird to say when you consider the fact that the main star of the team lowers his DEF when he launches the Super Attack. Your main focus here should be wither down the enemy team with powerful AoE as the other units tank, dodge and debuff: this is the best way to take on this challenge in my opinion. I am going to list a few team options, I may leave out some units whose main purpose is to solely deal damage; I will leave a sample team at the end.
Unit | Explanation |
![]() [Punishment of Anger] Goku Black (SS Rosé) | Offering 3 Ki to all Extreme types with his Passive, 50% DEF while also being valuable offensively makes Goku Black (Super Saiyan Rosé) arguably the best unit in the element. Goku Black (Super Saiyan Rosé) has a lot synergy with the team, he can partially patch any defensive liability and increase the overall consistency with his Ki support without being a target for enemies' attacks like most other support units in this mode. |
![]() [Evil Incursion] Super Janemba | Super Janemba is your best option as a leader for Extreme STR, your only other realistic alternative to running him on both sides is to bring [Indestructible Saiyan Evil] LSS Broly as either yours or your friend's lead and having him as the other. Super Janemba is a great unit for SBR, he has a natural 30% chance to dodge your enemies' attacks, he can hit respectably hard and his Passive does actually offer further damage reduction. |
![]() [Indestructible Saiyan Evil] LSS Broly | LSS Broly is the most powerful unit in the game when it comes to AoE damage and he is one of your best best bets to take on this mode, especially when you are facing groups of 4 or more enemies.Your only concern with this unit is the DEF: when LSS Broly launches his Super Attack, he reduces his DEF by 20000, which is pretty sizeable under a 120% Leader Skill, and definitely makes him a defensive liability on a mode where enemies do 40-50k damage on normal attacks. Having said that, LSS Broly can bring so much to your Extreme STR team in terms of offense, that you might want to bring two, one as the Friend Leader and one on your own team. |
![]() Super Warrior of Destruction Legendary Super Saiyan Broly | LSS Broly EZA brings both relevant AoE damage and a solid defensive value after the Super Attack, making him arguably better than the LR version in this mode with a little investment in the Potential System. LSS Broly EZA has natural high stats that, combined with some further support from the other units on the team, can allow him to tank incredibly well even in this mode, but his main problem are the links: lacking "Prepared for Battle" or any common Ki link, makes him very difficult to use if not paired with [Punishment of Anger] Goku Black (Super Saiyan Rosé) or without at least some Ki support on the team. |
![]() Hopeless Minus Energy Omega Shenron | Omega Shenron reduces the enemies' ATK by 30% when he is on rotation and he can deal a decent amount of damage. He is definitely a unit you want to have on your team and on rotation: survivability should be your first concern in this mode and any unit with ATK reduction is great for that. Sharing both "Fear and Faith" and "Shocking Speed" with Super Janemba makes them very consistent together on rotation, missing only 2 Ki to Super Attack. |
![]() Growth During Combat Hit | Hit is the best support unit in the element, he gives 3 Ki and 40% ATK and DEF to all Extreme STR types and he has a rare chance to stun, definitely a unit you might want to bring. |
![]() [Dignity of the Ginyu Force] Jeice | Jeice does not have much going for him when it comes to dealing damage or tanking, but he is a wonderful support unit, he gives 2 Ki and 20% ATK to all Extreme types and can locate where the enemies are going to Super Attack; Super Attacks are the first thing that will screw your run, being able to know they are coming from and maybe positioning a unit like Super Janemba there is great. |
![]() Welcome to Hell Perfect Cell | Perfect Cell has two possibilities, he can do a decent amount of damage to one enemy or he can do a lot less but in the form of an AoE attack. Perfect Cell can also stack his ATK and DEF upon all of his Super Attacks, he is not a bad option for your team, just don't expect him to do much with his AoE, the SA multiplier is very low. |
![]() Planet of Steel Meta-Rilldo | Meta-Rilldo is a very interesting unit: despite the fact that the DEF boost he receives from his Passive is not that high and won't make much of a difference here, his ATK lowering mechanic upon Super Attack can make him very valuable. Meta-Rilldo also shares "GT" with Omega Shenron and has "Metamorphosis", a link that offers the possibility of recovering a bit of your HP. |
![]() Threat of Peace Piccolo Jr. (Giant Form) | Piccolo Jr. (Giant Form) has two things going for him, the first one is his Passive, -12% ATK on the enemies is great in this mode for a floater, and the second one is the "Ape" mechanic: Piccolo Jr. (Giant Form) has a rare chance to turn into "Great Namek", giving you invincibility for a few turns and dealing some chip damage to the enemy. |
![]() Murderous Awakening Android 13 | Android #13 does not offer much offensively, but he is a Baba Shop unit, meaning he is available for all players and does not require summoning, he can reduce damage by 30% when he has 8 or more Ki and he can be used as a Leader; Android #13's Leader Skill reduces the enemies' ATK by 30%, 60% under a double lead, but it's very difficult to get through the mode with this a without some constant healing. |
![]() The Pinnacle of Evil Golden Frieza (STR-1) ![]() The Pinnacle of Evil Golden Frieza (STR-2) ![]() The Pinnacle of Evil Golden Frieza (STR-3) | [Despair's Onslaught] Frieza (1st Form) dokkan awakens into this Golden Frieza, the others STR Frieza will have different Passive Skills. The main appeal of this unit is the medium chance to lowers the enemies' ATK by 30%, making him a solid floater on your team. |
![]() Reign of Terror Frieza (1st Form) | LR Frieza (1st Form) can lower the enemy's ATK by 20% with his 18+ Ki, he has decent links for the team and he can offer, at 100% Hidden Potential, a lot of HP to your team, 73.712 to be exact. He is not a bad option at all if you maxed him out, he can deal a good amount of damage, he has "Big Bad Bosses" and even "Metamorphosis" for HP recovery. |
![]() God of Defiance Zamasu | Zamasu doesn't do a whole lot in terms of damage, but at the start of the turn he can recover 10% of your HP, he is not a bad option as a floater. |
Extreme PHY has some really good units, but its options when it comes to team composition are very limited, the high-tier units are not that many and the gap between them and the others is pretty noticeable.
Unit | Explanation |
![]() Crashing Maelstrom Omega Shenron | Omega Shenron is the best Extreme PHY unit in the game, he can generate a lot of damage thanks to his built-in Additional Attacks and he can reduce with his Passive the enemies’ ATK by 20%. Omega Shenron can be used instead of [Open the Gates of Hell] Coora (Final Form) as the Leader of your team or even on both sides thanks to the second part of his Leader Skill and his links allow him to synergize with most of the other units in the element. |
![]() [Open The Gates of Hell] Coora (Final Form) | Coora (FF) is the Leader of the element and a very well-rounded unit with both offensive and defensive capabilities. The DEF boost that Coora (FF) receives from his Passive is not quite enough to make him absorb hits, but it still allows him to take less damage than other units, and thanks to his built-in Additional Attack this unit can also deal a good amount of damage. |
![]() [Emperor%27s Devotion] Frieza (Full Power) | Frieza (FP) has incredibly high stats, an immense damage multiplier and he receives his ATK boost when launching the Super Attack, he is very offensively-built and he can be quite helpful in this mode, but the fact that receives no DEF boost from his Passive definitely holds him down in terms of usage. Frieza (FP) is yet to receive his EZA, so my suggested team composition may change in the future. |
![]() Agent of Destruction Syn Shenron | Syn Shenron’s main purpose on the team is to activate Omega Shenron’s ATK links to fully optimize the most powerful unit on the team, but it’s also true that by linking the two together they are both going to be able output a lot of damage. |
![]() Obsession with Winning Majin Buu (Gotenks) | Majin Buu (Gotenks)’s main purpose is to seal the enemy’s Super Attack, his Passive lowers enemies’ DEF by 50%, but it’s not particularly useful. Ideally you would want this unit as a floater, sharing “Over in a Flash” with [Emperor’s Devotion] Frieza (Full Power) when he comes around. |
![]() Nightmare Redux Buu (Super) | Buu (Super) is an amazing support unit, offering 3 Ki and 40% to ATK and DEF. In addition to the support Passive, Buu (Super) received a healing mechanic on his Super Attack, being able to recover 15% of your HP. |
![]() [Dark Menace] Goku Black | Goku Black lowers the enemy’s ATK by 20% upon Super Attack and on the Global version even offers Ki support with his Passive, he is a very good unit capable of outputting a decent amount of damage. |
![]() [Tenacious Clan] King Cold | This King Cold comes from the Super Strike Event [Cold-Blooded King], so he is very easy to obtain. This unit is great for Super Battle Road, lowering the enemies’ ATK by 25% with his Passive and by 20% upon Super Attack in addition to sharing “Strongest Clan in Space” with Coora (Final Form) and Frieza (Full Power) for added consistency. |
![]() Heartless Destruction Buu (Kid) | Buu (Kid) is an amazing support unit when his Passive activates, he gives the highest boost to ATK and DEF to all allies when the HP are at 80% or above, a 50% increase. Buu (Kid) gives no Ki, has no Ki links and without his Passive he is pretty useless as he is not going to output significant damage, but you can consider him for your team even in this mode where your health will decrease very easily below that threshold. |
![]() [Diabolical Strike] Nappa | Nappa can be obtained in the Baba Shop, he is a very good support unit, giving 3 Ki and potentially 30% ATK and DEF to his allies; you can use this unit as a floater instead of Buu (Super) if you don’t have him. |
![]() [Raging Counterstrike] Mecha Frieza | Mecha Frieza is another Super Strike unit that can be a great filler option on your team, he does not require a full Ki meter to Super Attack and can lower the enemy’s ATK. Mecha Frieza also shares a lot of ATK links with Frieza (Full Power), like “Prodigies” and “Universe’s Most Malevolent”. |
![]() Genius Warriors Exaltation Super Saiyan Vegeta | SS Vegeta has little to no synergy with the other units in the element, but he offers a 40% debuff on the enemy attacked, not even having to necessarily Super Attack. |
![]() Wrath-Bred Evil Majin Buu (Pure Evil) | This unit’s Passive lowers all enemies’ ATK by 10%, he is only an SR, but he can find a place as a floater if you lack options. |
Main focus of this team is Crashing Maelstrom Omega Shenron, we are capitalizing on the higher boost he receives from his own Leader Skill and his ATK lowering Passive.
The first rotation is Omega Shenron and Agent of Destruction Syn Shenron, these two units linked together are only going to need 2 Ki to Super Attack, they activate for each other every ATK link they have and they fully benefit from Omega Shenron’s Leader Skill, they are going to output the most damage.
Second rotation is Omega Shenron and [Open The Gates of Hell] Coora (Final Form), this pair is less consistent than the one I mentioned before and it’s less powerful as Coora (FF) is only going to receive a 50% boost to all stats from the Leader Skill, but the most important thing is having Omega Shenron on both rotations to always have his Passive active, eventual trouble with Ki can be resolved by the floaters.
The first floater listed is [Tenacious Clan] King Cold, his Passive will further lower the enemies’ ATK and he will Coora (FF) with 2 additional Ki thanks to Strongest Clan in Space.
The second floater is [Dark Menace] Goku Black, and for this one I am specifically referring to the Global version since he offers 3 Ki with his Passive. Goku Black will offer support and further lower the enemy’s ATK with his Super Attack.
The last floater is another support unit, Nightmare Redux Buu (Super) will provide Ki and additional ATK and DEF to make the second rotation more consistent and the whole team more tanky. Buu (Super) is also going to recover HP with his Super Attack.
Taking on Super Battle Road with Extreme AGL is difficult without Beyond the Ferocious Flash Majin Vegeta, but the fact that the Leader of the team can perform really well in this game mode helps out. Extreme AGL is not the toughest challenge, but it’s nowhere easy without specific units: I am going to list what are, in my opinion, the best team options for your team and briefly analyse them; I also left an example of a team you can run at the end.
Unit | Explanation |
![]() Beyond the Ferocious Flash Majin Vegeta | Majin Vegeta has a lot going for him, he can offer AoE damage with his 18+ Ki Super or a powerful single target attack with 12-17 Ki, both of which have a chance to stun the enemies hit; he requires some form of support as he doesn't link that well with the other units on the team, but he is unrivalled in terms of offense. |
![]() The Ultimate Android Super 17 | The leader of the team and still one of the best units in the element: Super #17 reduces damage taken by 40% thanks to his Passive, tanking enemies' attacks as he builds his own. It's advised to use a double Super #17 lead, the alternative would be to bring him and a Majin Vegeta as a friend to have the possibility of AoE damage on both rotations. |
![]() [Rose Stained Super Saiyan] Goku Black (SS Rose) | Goku Black (Super Saiyan Rosé) is what allows Majin Vegeta to function well on Extreme AGL, around so many units that share no Ki or ATK links with him at all; giving 3 Ki to all Extreme types and activating “Super Saiyan” makes this unit the best to have on rotation with the LR. Goku Black (Super Saiyan Rosé) is also really powerful offensively on his own, capable of dealing a lot of damage and being self-sufficient in terms of Ki. |
![]() Limitless Energy Androids 17 %26 18 | Androids #17 & #18 are a nice unit to have on your team at 100% in the Potential System, they are going to increase your overall HP, they link incredibly well with the leader of the team and their 18+ Ki Super Attack will also lower the enemy's ATK by 20%. Natural high stats will allow Androids #17 & #18 to tank decently well despite the fact that they don't get any DEF boost from their Passives, they should be put on rotation with Super #17 in order to be consistent. |
![]() Proof of Resurrection Golden Frieza | Golden Frieza reduces damage taken by 90%, allowing him to tank pretty much anything even in this mode; his links are not really the best, but his purpose on the team is solely to be a tank, h is not going to output a lot of damage. |
![]() [Vengeful Darkness] Darkness Towa | Darkness Towa is a great support unit, she offers 2 Ki and a 25% ATK and DEF boost to all allies and she can potentially fully recover your HP once per battle when they are at 30% or below; when Towa heals you she will also add a 50% additional ATK boost to all Extreme type, her links are not particularly good, but she can be very valuable. |
![]() [Explosive Evolution] Turles | This Turles is, in his normal state, a great support unit that can make the team more consistent; you can pair him with Majin Vegeta to make up for his lack of common Ki links. When Turles transforms, he will heal your HP by 15% at start of each turn for three turns, which is of course very valuable in this game mode for managing healing items, he will be able to tank very well and deal a good amount of damage; both of Turles’ forms have the ability to stun the opponent, another reason to bring on your team. |
![]() [Degenerate Incursion] Turles (Giant Ape) | Turles (Giant Ape) is self-sufficient in terms of Ki, he can stun and deal some chip damage if he transforms; he is a great unit to bring with you, despite the fact that he doesn’t link that well with the rest of the team. |
![]() Rampage of Destruction Android 18 (Future) | Android #18 (Future) is an orb-changer, she can greatly help Androids #17 & #18 and Majin Vegeta, that requires more orbs to be consistent, in getting their 18+ Ki Super Attack; she is not going to do much in terms of damage with her low ATK boost and SA multiplier, but she has good links for the team. |
![]() Raging Wickedness Super Janemba | Super Janemba is very easy to obtain, he is an orb-changer with decent links; he is another unit that is greatly limited when it comes to damage, but he is a solid option if you lack Extreme AGL units. |
![]() Merciless Swift Strike Zangya | Zangya recovers 10% of your HP at the start of the turn with her Passive and can lower the enemy's ATK upon Super Attack by 20%, she has "Shocking Speed" and she is another unit that is pretty easy to obtain. |
![]() The Pinnacle of Evil Golden Frieza (AGL-1) ![]() The Pinnacle of Evil Golden Frieza (AGL-2) | The Golden Frieza that awakens from [Embodiment of Evil] Frieza (1st Form) offers a 12% ATK reduction on the enemies, his links are pretty bad and running him means that you are not going to be able to use the other Golden Frieza I mentioned before, but as floater he is a pretty good option, greatly increasing the ability to tank of other units like Super #17. |
![]() Hellish Amalgamation Baby Janemba | Baby Janemba recovers 10% of your HP at start of turn and has decent links, sharing both "Shocking Speed" and "Fear and Faith" with the leader of the team, another solid option as a floater. |
![]() Uncontrollable Instinct Buu (Kid) | Buu (Kid) is another unit whose main purpose is recover HP as he really doesn't offer much in terms of synergy or attack; only other thing that is worth mentioning is the fact that, as a floater, he can activate "Fierce Battle" for Super #17. |
![]() Devilish Deception Devilman | Devilman is the most gimmicky unit here, he has a very low chance of taking down the enemy; best thing about his Passive is that it's going to activate at the start of the turn, letting you know if he's going to be useful for turn. I wouldn't advise using him, but if you lack options and you are lucky enough, you can try him. |
![]() Dominance over the Atmosphere Oceanus Shenron | Oceanus Shenron is a cheap option as a sealer and she even has "Shocking Speed" and "GT" to share with the leader of the team and Androids #17 & #18. |
First rotation - I decided to use Androids #17 & #18 for this team because the amount of HP they add is pretty valuable and their ATK lowering mechanic is also quite useful in this mode, especially since it will help Super #17 tank even better. Super #17 and Androids #17 & #18 share Shocking Speed and Fear and Faith, meaning the latter will always be able Super Attack since they are going to get at least 2 Ki from the unit off-rotation (2 Ki from Darkness Towa, 4 Ki from Super #17 and 5 Ki from Hyper Meta-Rilldo);
Second rotation - Majin Vegeta is the hardest hitter on the team, and in the element; we are pairing him with Goku Black (Super Saiyan Rosé) for the 3 Ki he adds with his Passive and the Super Saiyan link.
First floater - One of the two Super #17 will be a floater; this will only affect his ATK stat, not his ability to tank. The second Super #17 will also activate Nightmare and Fierce Battle for Goku Black (Super Saiyan Rosé)
Second floater - Hyper Meta-Rilldo is the best support unit for Extreme AGL, he will add Ki to the rotations and greatly boost Majin Vegeta’s ATK. You can substitute this unit for any other support unit, Ruled by Bloodlust Android 17 is also fine.
Third floater - Darkness Towa is an amazing support unit and she can potentially recover your HP completely once per battle.
The Dokkan Attack is your way of damaging multiple enemies at once, or even get rid of them completely, and recover Hp at the same time; on average, your “Dokkan Meter” should be full around the third fight and ideally you would want to get it around the beginning of the fight.
You want to get value out of your Dokkan Attack: if you start the fight with it, it has to bring you as close as possible to finishing off the enemies, which is also the reason why you would want to get it against a group, since they are going to have the least amount of HP. In the case of the team set up I showed you, Majin Vegeta is clearly the unit you would want to get the Dokkan Attack with, but that’s not all there is to it: Majin Vegeta gets a 150% ATK boost on Super Attack so your best bet to deal the most damage would be to time this attack when a support unit is on rotation; even a 12 Ki Super Attack will output more than the 24 Ki one, so don’t go overboard with it. You will realistically be able to use the Dokkan Mode only once, so, if you get it at the start of the battle, you can use a [Bulma (Future)] item to boost your attack; here’s an idea of how destructive this combination can be:
17.700 (Base ATK +2000) x 3,4 (Leader Skill) x 1,4 (Passive support) x 1,25 (item boost) x 1,1 (“Super Saiyan” active) x 1,5 (12 Ki multiplier) x 2,5 (SA boost from Passive) x 6 (mega-colossal damage at SA 20 +30% from Potential System) x 1,5 (Dokkan Mode boost) = 3.909.819 ATK |
Ideally you don’t want to use more than two items per fight to save them for the last group of enemies; you can take a few risks in the first fight to get a good start to save some.
Global (PST) | |
![]() The Tree of Might Mar 25 - Apr 6 10:59 pm | ![]() Raditz Story Event Coming soon... |
![]() The Strongest Rivals Mar 22 - Apr 4 10:59 pm | ![]() Golden Frieza (Angel) Dokkan Event: True Evil Resurrected from Hell |
![]() Spread Love! Magical Girl Fighters! Apr 2 - Apr 11 21:59 | - |
JP (JST) | |
![]() Dragon Ball Super: Universe Survival Saga Tournament of Power | ![]() Spread Love! Magical Girl Fighters! Apr 2 - Apr 12 16:59 |
![]() Divine Adventure! Personal Secret | ![]() Dragon Ball Super: Universal Survival Sage Mar 6 17:00 - Apr 5 16:59 |
![]() Raditz Story Event: Stubborn Low Class Warrior Feb 28 - Apr 10 | ![]() Dragon Ball Super: Universe 6 Saga Mar 16 - Apr 5 16:59 |
![]() Ginyu Force Special Training | ![]() Turles Story Event: The Tree of Might Apr 1 - Apr 27 16:59 |
![]() Turles Dokkan Event: Wandering Darkness of the Universe Apr 1 - Apr 25 23:59 | ![]() Galactic Crisis Super Guy in the Galaxy Apr 1 - Apr 27 16:59 |
![]() Fight! 10 Billion Power Warriors Apr 1 - Apr 27 16:59 | - |