In the first rotation we have SS3 Bardock and SS3 Goku; we want to have SS3 Bardock on both rotations to abuse his support Passive as much as we can and we want to always have SS3 Goku in the middle slot in order for him to always start with 12 Ki by default, he is the hardest hitter on the team and his 18+ Ki Super Attack has priority over anything else. The second rotation consists of SS3 Bardock and SS3 Gotenks; we ideally want to have the latter in the first slot of the rotation in order to get his 11 Ki Super Attack and possibly take enough damage for SS3 Bardock's Passive to activate (his 30% DEF debuff is actually useful for this reason). The first floater is SS3 Goku (Angel), a hard hitter with Over in a Flash for SS3 Goku. Second floater is a support unit SS3 Goku (GT) (Great Ape); this unit works amazingly well with SS3 Goku and SS3 Bardock since they receive their ATK boost upon Super Attack. The last choice as a floater is not a unit who is part of the category, it's Super Gogeta; even though [Full-Tilt Kamehameha] SS 2 Gohan (Youth) and [Mythic Evolution] SS3 Broly would outdamage him, this unit is a better choice because they lack Over in a Flash and, as I said, getting SS3 Goku's 18+ Ki Super Attack is has the priority.
Other Options
Quick Notes
Because of its nature, the fact that realistically any unit with Over in a Flash can easily fit on it and the second part of SS3 Bardock’s Leader Skill opening up the team to pretty much any Super INT type, building a Super Saiyan 3 team is relatively easy, I will only list a few options.
SS3 Goku EZA is an amazing unit on “SS3”, his only problem is that he has the same name as [Golden Fist] SS3 Goku and can’t possibly outdamage him. SS3 Goku EZA is an incredible hard hitter and a pretty good tank on this team, definitely the second best option with that name and a unit to keep on rotation.
SS3 Broly is a nuker and one of the hardest hitters in the game, he was previously on the optimal formation of the team, but he was kicked out by [Golden Fist] SS3 Goku; the newest entry forces all floaters to have “Over in a Flash” to get his 18+ Ki Super more consistently and SS3 Broly doesn’t have it.
Despite being just a base SSR, this SS3 Gohan (Teen) is an incredibly hard hitter and a decent tank under SS3 Bardock’s Leader Skill. He will possibly substitute Super Gogeta in the future when he will receive a Dokkan Awakening; absolutely a unit not to sleep on.
SS2 Gohan (Youth) is another unit that was previously optimal and was kicked out with the introduction of the new SS3 Goku because of his lack of “Over in Flash”; another incredibly hard hitter even under only a 90% boost.
This SS3 Gotenks is a very good unit overall and on this team he can actually get his 11 Ki Super Attack with relative ease, he just loses in terms of damage to his PHY homonymous.
SS3 Vegeta is an exceptional tank under SS3 Bardock’s Leader Skill, he can greatly benefit from the high DEF boost from the Leader Skill, becoming virtually impossible to damage while his Passive is active.
With a pretty respectable 90% ATK and DEF boost at start of turn and 3 turn ATK raise upon Super Attack, this SS3 Goku (GT) is actually a very solid option on this team.
Goku (Ultra Instinct - Sign-) can function pretty well on this team, he shares “Over in a Flash” with the rest of the units and even has “The First Awakened” for the Leader, being one of the few that could activate it for him and still have some value.