

Dokkan Battle Connoisseur, Link Skill, Effect, Characters with All in the Family.
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[Limitless Growth] SS2 Caulifla: Rating and Tips!
update 17/11/2017

Table of contents

EffectRecover 5% HP


  • [L]: Leader Skill
  • [S]: Super Attack
  • [P]: Passive Skill
Thrill of the Fight Beerus
Thrill of the Fight Beerus
[Max Cost/HP/ATK/DEF]
[L] Recover 1500 HP per Ki Sphere of character's Type obtained
[S] Causes supreme damage and lowers DEF
[P] ATK +90% when performing a Super Attack
Godly Power - Prodigies - Connoisseur - The Innocents - Shocking Speed - Shattering the Limit
Godly Dimension
Imprinted Discipline Whis
Imprinted Discipline Whis
[Max Cost/HP/ATK/DEF]
[L] AGL, TEQ and STR Type Ki +2, HP, ATK & DEF +30%
[S] Energy Causes supreme damage to enemy and lowers ATK
[P] Attacked enemy's ATK -20%; high chance to stun the attacked enemy
Godly Power - Connoisseur - Cold Judgment - Gentleman - Shocking Speed - Shattering the Limit
Godly Dimension
Devastating Punishment Beerus
Devastating Punishment Beerus
[Max Cost/HP/ATK/DEF]
[L] TEQ Type ATK +80%
[S] Energy Causes supreme damage to enemy and lowers DEF
[P] ATK +60% at turn start, Rage only once when HP =<30%
Godly Power - Prodigies - Connoisseur - The Innocents - Shocking Speed - Fierce Battle
Godly Dimension
Guide to the New Beyond Whis
Guide to the New Beyond Whis
[Max Cost/HP/ATK/DEF]
[L] AGL, INT and PHY Type Ki +3, HP, ATK & DEF +20%
[S] Energy Causes supreme damage to enemy and lowers ATK
[P] Ki +2 and ATK & DEF +20% for all allies
Godly Power - Connoisseur - Cold Judgment - Gentleman - Shocking Speed - Shattering the Limit
Godly Dimension
Umpire of Annihilation Beerus
Umpire of Annihilation Beerus
[Max Cost/HP/ATK/DEF]
[L] TEQ, INT and STR Type HP & ATK +30%
[S] Energy Causes supreme damage to enemy and lowers DEF
[P] High chance of ATK +200%
Godly Power - Prodigies - Connoisseur - The Innocents - Shocking Speed - Fierce Battle
Godly Dimension


Destructive Whim Beerus
Destructive Whim Beerus
[Max Cost/HP/ATK/DEF]
[L] Recover 500 HP per Ki of character's Type gained
[S] Causes extreme damage to enemy and lowers DEF
[P] ATK +70% when performing a Super Attack
Godly Power - Prodigies - Connoisseur - The Innocents - Shocking Speed
Godly Dimension
Puzzle Wrapped in Enigma Whis
Puzzle Wrapped in Enigma Whis
[Max Cost/HP/ATK/DEF]
[L] AGL Type HP & DEF +50%
[S] Energy Causes extreme damage and may stun the enemy
[P] Recovers all HP only once when HP is 30% or below
Godly Power - Shocking Speed - Connoisseur - Gentleman - Brainiacs
Godly Dimension
Impetuous God Beerus
Impetuous God Beerus
[Max Cost/HP/ATK/DEF]
[L] TEQ Type ATK +60%
[S] Energy Causes supreme damage to enemy and lowers DEF
[P] ATK +50% at turn start, Rage only once when HP =<30%
Godly Power - Prodigies - Connoisseur - The Innocents - Shocking Speed
Godly Dimension
Enigmatic Power Whis
Enigmatic Power Whis
[Max Cost/HP/ATK/DEF]
[L] AGL, TEQ, STR Type ATK & DEF +25%
[S] Energy Causes supreme damage to enemy and lowers ATK
[P] High chance of stunning the attacked enemy
Godly Power - Shocking Speed - Connoisseur - Gentleman
Godly Dimension
Swan Song Beerus
Swan Song Beerus
[Max Cost/HP/ATK/DEF]
[L] TEQ Type ATK +50%
[S] Energy Extreme damage to enemy and lowers DEF
[P] ATK +40% at start of turn
Godly Power - Prodigies - Connoisseur - The Innocents - Shocking Speed - Formidable Enemy
Godly Dimension
Mysterious Mentor Whis
Mysterious Mentor Whis
[Max Cost/HP/ATK/DEF]
[L] AGL, INT, PHY Type HP & ATK + 20%
[S] Energy Causes supreme damage to enemy and lowers ATK
[P] All allies' ATK & DEF +12%
Godly Power - Cold Judgment - Connoisseur - Gentleman
Godly Dimension
Irreversible Judgement Beerus
Irreversible Judgement Beerus
[Max Cost/HP/ATK/DEF]
[L] TEQ, INT, STR Type ATK +30%
[S] Energy Causes supreme damage to enemy and lowers DEF
[P] High chance of ATK +150%
Godly Power - Shocking Speed - Connoisseur - The Innocents
Godly Dimension
Unconventional Fusion Whirus
Unconventional Fusion Whirus
[Max Cost/HP/ATK/DEF]
[L] PHY Type Ki +2 and ATK & DEF +60%
[S] Causes supreme damage to enemy and greatly lowers DEF
[P] Changes TEQ and INT Ki Spheres to PHY Ki Spheres; ATK & DEF +50%
Godly Power - Connoisseur - The Innocents - Brainiacs - Shocking Speed - Fused Fighter
Fusion - Godly Dimension
Savage Destruction Champa
Savage Destruction Champa
[Max Cost/HP/ATK/DEF]
[L] PHY Type HP & DEF +60%
[S] Causes supreme damage to enemy
[P] Medium chance of ATK +200%
Godly Power - Connoisseur - More Than Meets the Eye - The Innocents - Over 9000
Godly Dimension


In Pursuit of a Formidable Foe BeerusCarnage Awakens BeerusState of Calmness Whis


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hello, I'm from New Jersey, I want to share my testimony on how I became an Original vampire...
No way to get Zangya right now?
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